Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Back...yet again!!!!

Helluuuuuuu (to whoever's there or to myself lol)
I was looking at other peoples thinspo blogs and remembered that I had one. I will admit I wasn't intending to blog because i'm heavier than the last time I blogged :/ - Christmas weight and that!:( but we all make mistakes and back slide so its okay i guess.

Catch up time!

Im currently 5lbs heavier than the last time I blogged. However, today is day 3 of my new diet. I'm trying to eat as little as possible and most importantly I've been working out!
My diet started with a jog on sunday, after weeks of post-poning and procrastinating. We ran for 15 mins and speed walked for the other 15. The next day I was in pain but it was like a GOOD pain. I never realised how good running is for you, also didn't realise how unfit I am. ALL my leg muscles and my abs were aching. In terms of exercise, it's also better to intermittently walk and run than to jog constantly at a slow pace.
I also went to the gym today and although I was dreading the crap out of it, it felt so good! Running actually feels good :). Yes, Ive exercised twice in three days, my biggest fear is that I won't be able to keep it up!

So the main reasons I'm trying to lose weight again are; being overweight is NOT good, to look better and feel better. In addition, im newly in a relationship with a guy I really really really really really (ok you get the message) like. He's really good-looking but more recently Im feeling like Im not good enough and I feel like if you're in a relationship and insecure about your body - it's not healthy for the relationship. And to be honest, I worry that he doesn't find me attractive. I try not to show these feelings though. I also feel like he's so hot so he deserves someone with a better body :/ All of this might just be in my head because hes only said good things about my body but still u never know.


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